Though it’s always sad to see summer go, many of us love autumn for a respite in humidity, a return to favorite fall-weather activities (hello, apple picking!), and a reason to spend time inside cozied up with loved ones. But as the season changes, you may notice you’re dealing with more eye discomfort than you were just a few short weeks ago. You’re not imagining things: Due to a few key changes in your environment, fall can definitely cause dry eye flare-ups. Keep reading to learn about some autumnal triggers and how to best counteract them during this season.
Blustery weather
You can see it in your mind’s eye, can’t you? Leaves swirling around a busy city street, trees swaying in the breeze — windy weather seems like a staple of fall. However, that surge of air can contribute to ocular dehydration. Dry air helps speed up your tears’ evaporation, which can leave your eyes feeling parched.
On top of that, dirt, dust, and other particulate matter in the air can get into your eyes, irritating them even further. To better enjoy yourself on windy days, consider using a pair of sunglasses to help block excess air and detritus. Furthermore, if you’re using an eyelash growth serum made with synthetic prostaglandins (PGAs), we recommend discontinuing its use. In addition to being toxic to the meibomian glands, the organs that are essential to producing nourishing tears, PGAs create unnaturally long lashes that create a “wind tunnel” effect with every blink, exacerbating eye discomfort. Our Get Growing Lash & Brow Serum is free of PGAs; instead, it uses castor oil to help promote healthy lash growth while working to deliver deep hydration to dry eyes.
Seasonal allergies
If you’re prone to hay fever or other sensitivities caused by allergens, fall may be a tough time for you. Often, allergic reactions can manifest as itchy and inflamed eyes, which can contribute to dry eye discomfort. To help alleviate your allergy symptoms (ocular or otherwise!), consider taking an over-the-counter antihistamine. On days that you notice that your symptoms are particularly bad, do your best to stay indoors. Topical relief can also go a long way towards reducing allergy-induced eye pain — try popping on our Cool It Soothing Eye Mask after prepping it in your refrigerator or freezer. The cooling sensation not only feels great, but helps reduce puffiness.
Drier air indoors
As the air outdoors begins to chill, we tend to rely on forced heating indoors to warm us up. But heating systems tend to strip moisture from the air, leaving our eyes especially dehydrated. The solution for this is simple: Invest in a quality humidifier. It will help boost ambient moisture, leading to happier and more hydrated eyes. Bonus — it’ll also promote healthier skin and hair!
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